Sixth Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference
Scholars (front row, left to right) Jens Ludwig, Stephanie DeLuca, Janet Curie, Laura Tach, Darrick Hamilton, Ariel Kalil, Cybele Raver, Rachel Dunifon, Anna Rhodes, Allison Young, Chloe East; (back row, left to right) Kirabo Jackson, Timothy Nelson, Tyler Watts, Gary Evans, Douglas Miller, Sean Reardon, and Marianne Page gathered for the Bronfenbrenner Conference
October 25-26, 2018
Project 2Gen co-directors Rachel Dunifon and Laura Tach organized the sixth biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference, “An Equal Start: Policy and Practice to Promote Equality of Opportunity for Children.” The conference brought together scholars from more than a dozen institutions and programs to cultivate interdisciplinary perspectives and consider micro-, meso- and macro-level interventions for giving children an equal start in life. Papers from the conference are published in Confronting Inequality: How Policies and Practices Shape Children’s Opportunities, edited by Dunifon, Tach, and Douglas Miller, Associate Chair and Professor in Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell. You can read more about the event in the Cornell Chronicle.